VAN LIFE™ Real Estate Listings Monetization Agreement

Effective Date: 6/13/24
This Real Estate Listings Monetization ("Agreement") is entered into by and between the user ("Subscriber") and VAN LIFE PEERS LLC ("VAN LIFE PEERS"), a technology, media, and telecommunications (TMT) company providing subscription-based non-fungible token (NFT) profile and/or marketplace services through the Van Life Peers platform ( By accessing the Van Life Peers platform and submitting a profile, Subscriber agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.
1. Introduction
Van Life Peers offers a unique opportunity for subscribers to monetize their real estate listings by creating Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) associated with their property advertisements. This Agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which the Subscriber can earn passive income from these NFTs.
2. Subscription and Invitation
a. Invitation Requirement: The Subscriber must receive an invitation from the founder of Van Life Peers to participate in this monetization program.
b. Subscription: The Subscriber must join the Van Life Peers platform within 24 hours of receiving the invitation.
3. Profile Creation and NFT Minting
a. Profile Creation: Upon creating a profile to advertise real estate for sale or rent, the Subscriber's profile will be allowed to monetize up to 100 NFTs upon purchase and minting.
b. NFT Price: Each NFT will be priced at $1,000, totaling $100,000 per profile created.
4. Earnings and Payment
a. Earnings: The Subscriber will earn 100% profit from the sale of their designated NFTs.
b. Payment Method: Van Life Peers will transfer $1,000 to the Subscriber on the same day an NFT is purchased. Payments can be made through Zelle, Cash App, wire transfer, or bank transfer.
c. Total Potential Income: The Subscriber can earn up to $100,000 per profile by selling out all their designated NFTs in the listed category.
5. NFT Benefits and Utilities
To enhance the value of the NFTs and encourage purchases, subscribers can promote any of the following benefits and utilities that may be offered to NFT holders at the discretion of the subscribers:
A. Exclusive Property Tours
•Private, guided tours showcasing unique features and benefits.
B. Access to Premium Content
•High-quality virtual tours, 3D models, and detailed floor plans.
C. Priority Viewing and Booking
•Early or priority access to property viewings and appointments.
D. Discounts on Real Estate Services
•Discounts on property inspections, legal consultations, moving services, and home staging.
E. Membership to Exclusive Real Estate Clubs
•Access to a community or club for networking with real estate enthusiasts and professionals.
F. Educational Resources and Workshops
•Access to workshops, seminars, and online courses on real estate investment and management.
G. Investment Opportunities
•Early access to invest in new real estate projects or developments.
H. Consultation Services
•Free or discounted consultation hours with real estate experts, financial advisors, or mortgage brokers.
I. Subscription to Real Estate Market Reports
•Regular updates and reports on local real estate market trends and opportunities.
J. Access to a Concierge Service
•Assistance with property maintenance, utility setup, or contractor coordination.
K. Special Financing and Mortgage Rates
•Exclusive or discounted mortgage rates and financing options through partnered financial institutions.
L. Priority Access to New Listings
•Early access to new property listings before they are publicly available.
M. Exclusive Community Events
•Invitations to property showcases, networking mixers, and investment seminars.
N. Loyalty Programs
•Earn points or rewards for referrals and repeat transactions.
O. Home Improvement and Renovation Discounts
•Discounts from home improvement stores, contractors, or interior designers.
P. Utility Credits or Rebates
•Credits or rebates for electricity, water, or internet services.
Q. Security and Smart Home Upgrades
•Discounts on security systems, smart home devices, or eco-friendly upgrades.
R. Access to Vacation Properties
•Discounted use or rental of vacation properties, if applicable.
S. Health and Wellness Programs
•Access to local gyms, wellness centers, or health clubs.
T. Networking Opportunities
•Connections with other real estate investors, developers, or professionals through exclusive events or online forums.
6. Subscriber Obligations
a. Accurate Information: The Subscriber must provide accurate and up-to-date information when creating profiles and advertising real estate.
b. Compliance: The Subscriber must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and platform policies.
7. Termination
This Agreement may be terminated by either party with written notice. Termination does not affect the rights and obligations accrued prior to termination.
8. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which Van Life Peers operates.
9. Entire Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings.
By agreeing to this Real Estate Listings Monetization Agreement, Subscribers acknowledge and consent to the terms and conditions set forth herein.
For inquiries or assistance, contact VAN LIFE PEERS LLC at